Friends of the Library

Who we are:

The Friends of the Jackson County Public Library is a local non-profit organization dedicated to promoting our library. We believe that our library is essential in our society. Our focus is on raising funds to help provide for materials and activities on behalf of the adult, teen and children’s programs, its customers, and the community. The Board of Directors meets 6 times yearly to oversee the Bi-Monthly Sales, Book Nook, review funding requests, and prepare for the annual meeting.

Board members:

President: Sally Schwein-Wicks

Vice President: Diane Kemling

Secretary: Lori McDonald

Treasurer: Sandi Hall

Other Board Members:

Joyce Fouts

Why you should join:

We believe the public library is one of our community’s greatest assets. The Friends seek to maintain and enhance the library services offered to the citizens of Jackson County. We need your support. Annual individual membership start at as little as $5 per year.

Where our funds come from:

Money is raised through membership dues, Oktoberfest parking, materials sales and donations which help to fund adult, teen and children’s programs and other library projects.

How to become a Friend:

Application forms are located at any Jackson County Public Library location, at bi-monthly sales, and online.

Annual membership fees:

$ 5 Individual

$ 10 Family

$ 25 Contributing

$ 50 Benefactor

Benefits of being a Friend:

-Have the opportunity to vote at the annual meeting
-Enjoy access to “Friends only” book sales
-Be placed on the Friends e-mail list to receive upcoming Bi-Monthly Sale dates and announcements
-Take pleasure in knowing you help spread the joy of reading and support library programs

Recent funds went to support:

2024 Holiday parties and decorations

Upcoming 2025 events such as a Sweet Lock-In for kids, the Summer Learning Program, Jim Gill, Do Art Productions, and World Foamous

Volunteer Opportunities:

There are many opportunities for members to become actively involved with the Friends. Volunteering offers a rewarding way to support our activities and meet other people with similar interests. Volunteer schedules are flexible.

We can use your help to:

  • sort items for the sales
  • staff sales
  • help with stocking the Book Nook
  • Oktoberfest Parking
  • help with special events

Browse the Friends’ Book Nook and ongoing sales carts in Crothersville and Medora during library hours. Pricing is posted with payment on the honor system. New items are added weekly in Seymour and as needed in other locations.

The Friends welcome the donation of used materials. Books, audiobooks, CDs, DVD’s and other items may be dropped off at the Jackson County Public Library during regular business hours. Those wishing to donate should inquire at the checkout desk. For a list of items accepted, see this flyer. Library staff can provide a receipt for your donation.

Comments and suggestions are welcome:

Friends of the Library
Jackson County Public Library
303 W. Second St.
Seymour, Indiana 47274

To join the Friends of the Library download this form and mail it to the above address or bring it to one of the Book Cellar events.