Access Library-only Databases from Home!

We are now able to offer access to several in-library-only databases from your home or elsewhere. To access these databases you must have your active Evergreen Indiana library card number and password. If you don’t have or know your password, bring your card and ID to the library and they can reset your info at the front desk.


Begin by going to – you’ll be taken directly to the login page for our remote access service. Enter your 14 digit library barcode and the password you set on your account.


If you have an Evergreen library card but aren’t a Jackson County Public Library resident (Seymour, Crothersville, Medora – your card will start with 27500) you can login but will not be able to access the databases. This service is for JCPL residents only.


After logging in you’ll see links for each database you can use. Clicking that link will take you to that database as if you were in the Seymour library. You’ll be taken away from the main access page unless you open those databases in a new tab by right-clicking.